News for everyone

2018 Promotional Materials are Here

Need the up to date promotional materials to take to your unit? We’ve uploaded them to our About page. Be sure to check out some of our cool specialty programs, like STEM Challenges Weeks and the new Ranger Experience program for Venturers.

Want print copies? Just let us know! We’d be happy to get some to you.

Please contact Phil Barbash at

New Goshen Medical Form

We’ve updated the Medical Form and put it all in one file for your convenience. Here’s what you need to know:

  1. What’s the difference between this and the standard BSA Health Form?
    Only the insert on page 4: The NCAC Scout Camp Risk Advisory to Health-Care Providers, Parents, and Adult Participants
  2. Who needs to sign it?
    No Physician Signature is Required. The form does need to be signed by a parent or guardian.
  3. Why the extra page?
    We want you to understand the rigors of camp.
  4. What about Lenhok’sin High Adventure?
    Due to the nature of high adventure activities, Lenhok’sin has an additional risk advisory document.

You can find the BSA Medical Form with NCAC Health Advisory here and in the downloads section for every camp. You can find the Lenhok’sin Risk Advisory here in the Lenhok’sin Downloads.

Goshen Leader Update #1-Summer of 2018 Registration Open

Hello Goshen Leaders!

I did want to drop you a quick note and let you know that we will be opening registration for Goshen Scout Reservation summer of 2018 at 9AM on October 2nd, 2017. We will use the same deposit as last year, which is the full cost of one youth to attend. That price will once again be $360 (same as the last two years!). That cost is non-refundable, but will be applied towards one of the youth that you are bringing to camp. As is the case last year, please please please make every effort to get your deposit in for the week that you want to attend. Some weeks become much more popular than others and we don’t want to turn anyone away from their chosen week! Once your deposit is made, your spot is secure and you can continue to add as many youth as/adults you want. For information on fees, our  schedule, and anything else you may have questions on, please feel free to visit Also, feel free to follow us on Facebook at “Goshen Scout Reservation”. Thanks a lot and feel free to shoot me an email with any questions you may have!

Philip Barbash
Camping Director-Goshen Scout Reservation

Welcome to our new site!

We’ve made everything look nicer and hopefully easier to find, but for those of you used to the old site, we recognize there might be some initial bewilderment. With that in mind, we’ve put together this guide to help you find things during the transition.


Why Goshen? Looking for the videos and camp highlights? Check out the About page.

Contact information? Information > Contact Us. Quick references are also at the bottom of every page.


Events > Goshen@50. This site is still attached to the Council site thematically.

Prepare For Camp

Forms & Downloads – You can now find all the files you need for each camp in that camp’s Downloads section. The are also available in Information > Forms & Downloads.

Transportation – Details are available at Information > Transportation.

ATV, COPE, and Climbing program information is on each relevant camp page.

Family Camp

Events > Family Camp

STEM at Goshen

Camps & Programs > STEM Challenges

All the Camps

Find them all under Camps & Programs


All information is found on the Registration page.

Goshen Staff

Information > Goshen Staff

Need to get back to the Council site?

It’s still at as always. You can find a helpful link to it at the bottom of every page, as well.

Other Cool New Features

Keep track of dates with our Calendar and Upcoming Events on the Home page. Stay up to date with our Latest News on the Home page.

Goshen Adult Leader Update #4

Hello Goshen Leaders!


I promise this note to be briefer than two weeks ago. If you are brand new and did not receive my note two weeks ago, please let me know and I will forward:


1.       Please do keep in mind that every single youth and adult that pays by the early bird deadline on April 14th will receive a Goshen hat. If you would like to pay an additional $7, you may embroider that hat with your Unit’s Number and Hometown. Please keep in mind that should you choose to get your hats embroidered, YOU WILL NOT RECEIVE THEM UNTIL YOUR ARRIVAL AT CAMP. Thus, if you want your hats earlier, non-embroidery is the way to go. As of April 17th, hats will be here and available for pickup. I will send out instructions on that process closer to the date.

2.       Our two adult orientation meetings will be held on the 24th of April, and 3rd of May. Both will run from 7PM-8:30ish. The 24th of April will be here at our office at 9190 Rockville Pike Bethesda, MD 20814 and the 3rd of May will be at Andrew Chapel at 1301 Trap Rd Vienna, VA 22182. Remember that these are for adults that are BRAND NEW to the Goshen process. If you already know the drill, you probably do not need to attend, as it is mostly a brief overview of how camp works, and then a Q and A session.

3.       For the Boy Scout Camps, please keep in mind that a youth must be paid in full to register for Merit Badges. For the few in each camp that have size limitations, your youth will be put on a waitlist, and then prioritized by the camp staff by age, and then by rank. Merit Badges are NOT first come, first served, so do not worry about them filling up.

4.       Finally, keep in mind the Early Bird Deadline is April 14. As of midnight on 04/15/17, the price for both youth and adults will increase by $40. Get them in now to avoid the price hike!


As always, please let us know if you have any questions.

Goshen Adult Leader Update #3

Hello Goshen Leaders!


Phil Barbash here again. And thanks again to those that are joining us for the first time who have recently made their deposit. A couple of quick updates:


  1. We are piloting a new STEM Program to run out of Camp Olmsted this summer! It will be run during Week 3 and Week 6 (July 2nd-8th and July 23rd-29th)  It is open to all youth 10 and up in the scouting program (14 and up for girls). They will have the opportunity to BUILD THEIR OWN QUADCOPTER TO TAKE HOME! I would highly encourage you to talk to the youth in your units about this exciting opportunity. Maybe some of them are going with your unit during week 2 or week 5 and want to stay on for an extra week on their own? More details are here:
  2. Our Campership deadline was today. However, if you have youth that need the assistance the form will remain open. Please continue to submit the requests online and we will accommodate as funds are available. Those who submitted the forms by the deadline will have priority moving forward. We will send out notification letters within a month.
  3. The additional Health Advisory Form that I have mentioned in previous emails is now required to be attached to ALL PHYSICALS FOR CAMP THAT WERE DONE AS OF OR AFTER MARCH 1ST, 2017. This is a revision to the previous email. Moving forward, this form will need to be attached to all physicals for Goshen post 03/01/2017. This is a mandate from our Council Physician, Dr. James Sundeen, who can be reached at The form is on our website.
  4. The Trail to Eagle program at Marriott is back once again! This is a provisional program for Boy Scout aged youth during week 6, who want to get on the fast track towards getting their Eagle Scout. Once again, the boys do not need to have adults with them to come to this week.  The schedule is online on Camp Marriott’s page.
  5. Finally, Merit Badge Registration is going live on this Friday, 02/03. There are a couple of classes that do have space restrictions, but they will NOT be given out on a first come, first served basis. Instead, you will register your youth for the class, and be put on a waitlist. We will then prioritize all of the scouts that have signed up for that class by age, and then by rank. We will let you know when we get closer to the date, who has made it into the class, and who has not so if you have youth that desire to take those classes, they should have a backup.


As always, please let me or Calicoe know if you have any questions. Thanks so much for all you do for Goshen!

Goshen Adult Leader Update #2

Hello Goshen Unit Coordinators!


Phil Barbash here. Thanks again for joining us this summer! Just wanted to drop by with a few things to note:


1.       Our 2017 Goshen Leaders Guide is now online on the “Prepare for Camp” page of Please have yourselves and the parents that are joining us this summer read through this document as it will answer many of their questions.

2.       The deadline to submit Camperships is rapidly approaching. To get priority on a campership application, it needs to be submitted by February 1. This can all be done online by clicking on the link at the bottom of the page at

3.       If you have youth that have sold enough popcorn to receive a scholarship to camp, please DO NOT PAY FOR THEM BEFOREHAND. We will be sending out the codes to input into the system shortly so that the discount will be applied. Same goes for Camperships, in that if a youth is applying for a campership DO NOT PAY FOR THAT YOUTH BEFORE HE/SHE HAS BEEN APPROVED FOR A CAMPERSHIP.

4.       The additional fees for Shotgun, ATV, etc. are now listed on the “Register” page of the website for your budget planning purposes, however we do not have the Merit Badge registration feature of the Registration Portal activated yet. It will be active shortly and I will let you know as soon as it is.

5.       Please do not forget that there is an additional form that now needs to be attached to the BSA Medical form. It is a health advisory form and it is on the “Prepare for Camp” page of our website.

6.       Take a look at your individual Camp’s website (Bowman, Marriott, Ross, etc.) as it has information to contact that camp’s director and updated program schedules for the coming summer.



As always, please let me know if you have any questions. I’m already pumped for Summer 2017, our 50th Anniversary!

Goshen Adult Leader Update #1

Hello All!


First off, thank you so much for coming to Goshen this last summer, and all you did to support the youth that attended. Overall, we had a fantastic summer and made a positive influence on over 4700 youth, as well as about 1800 adults throughout the course of the summer. Believe it or not, it’s already time to start looking forward to the summer of 2017! I am pleased to announce that Registration for Goshen will open on October 1st! A couple of things to note:


  1. The fees for next year are exactly the same as this year. For youth, $360 at early bird rate, $400 regular, $440 at camp. Adults are $225, $265, and $305 respectively.  No increase! Same policy of two free leaders per unit, regardless of size.
  2. At this point, you are only reserving a spot for your unit to attend during a given week. You do not need to know who is attending beyond the one youth that you are using to reserve your spot. If you do not know who that youth is yet, you can enter any name and go back later and change the name. Cost to reserve your spot is still the price of one youth at the early bird rate. Keep in mind, this is a non-refundable cost, though it can be credited towards any other youth, if a youth drops out.
  3. As always, please select one individual in your unit to serve as the Goshen Registrar, and have that person read through the instructions on our registration page here: Quick url is: Keep in mind, there is no username/password. It is simply an email and a number that you will be given once you make your deposit.  


Let me or Calicoe know if you have any questions whatsoever and let’s have another amazing camping season in 2017! Happy 50th birthday Goshen!