What’s new in 2019?

The big thing that’s new is that Marriott is changing from a 7-day Saturday to Saturday camp to a 6-day Sunday to Saturday camp. Our big focus this year is on program quality. As such, with only 4 days of afternoon program, we now have two longer blocks of program in the afternoon. We want to make sure the classes get equal time in the morning and afternoon, but still have enough time for units to work on the Patrol Method and spend time doing unit activities in their site and around camp.

We’ve also got a brand new program area: The Guild! The badges in this area are hands-on life skills and advanced crafts. We’ve also added some new badges in some other areas. Check out the list below!

New Program Area: The Guild

Merit Badges taught here:
Automative Maintenance
Cooking (previously at Eagle’s Eyrie)
Welding (previously at the Quartermaster)

New Eagle’s Eyrie Merit Badges

American Cultures (previously at Handicraft)
Public Speaking

New Handicraft Merit Badges

Game Design

New Ecology Merit Badges

Pulp & Paper (previously at Handicraft)