Goshen Scout Reservation Leader Update #5

Hello Goshen leaders!

Phil Barbash here. Hope everyone is staying safe! Two quick updates:

  1. We are working on identifying additional campership money for those families who may need extra assistance with camp this year due to layoffs, furloughs, etc. We will provide details as soon as we have them. Please do continue to apply, as the campership application has been reopened online. It is here: https://www.gotogoshen.org/registration/#camperships
  2. National is in the process of reviewing what the requirements would be for Part C of the BSA med form this year, should we need to adjust. We will be in touch as soon as we hear the details.

Thanks again for hanging with us and please remember that all of these updates that I send out are posted here: https://www.gotogoshen.org/information/latest-news/. Stay safe!
