Goshen Leader Update #7

Hello Goshen Leaders!

A couple of quick updates for all of you:

  1. We are quickly approaching the refund date for Goshen. Please remember that all refund requests must be sent via email to Sarah.Moses@Scouting.Org on or before June 14th, 2019. After that date, no refunds will be granted. We are somewhat strict about this due to the magnitude of these requests on a large scale so please make every effort to get your requests in on time. For a refresher on the refund policy, please visit here: https://www.gotogoshen.org/registration/#refund
  2. For those attending Scouts BSA camps, please note that we are no longer providing “blue cards” for merit badges. If your unit is one that generally does utilize these, please note that they can be printed online in your reports before and after attending camp. Please also note that local councils/national BSA do not require these cards as proof for youth rank advancement. We will provide a printed grid that shows each scout’s name and what requirements were completed for which badges, which is also a report that can be run at any time using your registration portal.
  3. All adults and youth attending camp must have the BSA medical form in hand when they arrive. It is listed here on our website: https://www.gotogoshen.org/information/forms-downloads/. This listing also has our added health advisory form attached.
  4. Please note that ALL adults who are coming to camp and staying for 72 hours or more must be registered with the BSA and have taken youth protection training. Each camp will be offering an in-person ypt training on Wednesday afternoon of each week for those adults who show up to camp without the training completed.

As always, all previous update emails are listed here: https://www.gotogoshen.org/information/latest-news/ and please let myself or Sarah know if you have any questions!
