Need to change the person managing your unit’s registration?

Are you passing off the reins of summer camp to the next Den leader? Did your Troop make a reservation while at camp and you need to change it to the person for this summer? Are you the Troop Treasurer who made the registration, but you want to hand it off to your summer camp leader?

That is something that you can do!

First, start by getting back into your unit’s registration. You can learn how to do that in our previous Registration Tips post.

Once you have your registration on the screen in front of you, you’ll see the Registration Contact box.

Click on Update Information. A modal will pop up with your information.

Update the first name, last name, address, and phone number as necessary to that of the new person. Change the Email Address last.

Once you change the email address, the page will reload.

The new person – now the Registration Contact – will get an email with a link to the registration as well as a summary of the registration.